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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

If  a broadcaster breaches the Code of Conduct, apply to us through filling out a provided questionnaire and the Media Development Foundation, MDF will present your complaint in a broadcaster's self-regulation body.

MDF's library

  • PRE-ELECTION MONITORING 2020 - Anti-Western Messages, Hate Speech, Fake News

    The present report provides the results of monitoring conducted by the Media Development Foundation (MDF) ahead of the 2020 parliamentary elections. The monitoring was carried out on the cases of anti-Western messages and hate speech voiced by electoral subjects and political parties, as well as fake news and discrediting campaigns. The monitoring covered both mainstream and social media outlets, including regional media outlets and social accounts affiliated with political stakehold... See More

  • Monitoring of Hate Speech and Anti-Western Sentiments in Pre-Election Discourse

    The present report provides the results of media monitoring carried out by the Media Development Foundation (MDF) and seven Youth Centers of the UN Association’s PITA program ahead of the October 2017 municipal elections. The monitoring was carried out on the cases of hate speech, xenophobic expressions and anti-Western statements disseminated by political subjects and media outlets. Considering the peculiarities of municipal elections, besides national televisions, newspapers and online... See More

  • Hate Speech, 2016 report

    In partnership with the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNAG) and with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Media Development Foundation (MDF) participates in implementing the Promoting Integration, Tolerance and Awareness (PITA) Program. Within the framework of the program, Media Development Foundation (MDF) implements a media component, which involves monitoring of hate speech in media and public space and reacting on possible ... See More

  • Hate speech and xenophobia. Media monitoring report 2014-2015

    The report exposes the incidence of hate speech and xenophobia on Georgian media and public domain The analysis is articulated in different sections covering discrimination based on ethnic, national, sexual orientation and religious grounds, along with paragraphs devoted to the specific phenomena of Turkophobia, Islamophobia, and Armenophobia. The monitoring covers six newspapers, main news programs and talk shows of five TV channels, prime-time talk shows and six news and information web... See More

  • Anti-Western propaganda. Media monitoring report 2014-2015

    This report by Media Development Foundation Georgia focuses on anti-Western rhetoric in the country and the role of media sustaining this phenomenonThe experience in monitoring hate speech in Georgian media led to this report, focusing instead on anti-Western rhetoric, often applied in xenophobic and homophobic contexts. Such expressions are directed against open society and, as monitoring results show, they are also loaded with political connotations. It is precisely the politically active... See More