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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

If  a broadcaster breaches the Code of Conduct, apply to us through filling out a provided questionnaire and the Media Development Foundation, MDF will present your complaint in a broadcaster's self-regulation body.


  • Posted on: 24 Oct 2020

    4 innovative ideas against Fake News - Meet the wi ...

    Media Development Foundation’s (MDF) first global hackathon Hacking the Fake News announced 4 winning innovative technological ideas generated durin...See More

  • Posted on: 22 Oct 2020

    The Hackathon Month - Webinars and Workshops from ...

    October 2020 was full of training opportunities from Media Development Foundation’s (MDF) partners - Bellingcat and Facebook, organized in the frame...See More

  • Posted on: 01 Oct 2020

    Introduction to Open-Source Research and Verificat ...

    If you’d like to learn more about open-source digital research and the methodologies behind it,  Media Development Foundation (MDF) invites you...See More

  • Posted on: 31 Oct 2017

    MDF Files Lawsuit against Georgian National Commun ...

    On October 31, 2017, the Media Development Foundation (MDF) filed a lawsuit in Tbilisi City Court against the Georgian National Communications Com...See More

  • Posted on: 16 Oct 2016

    MDF conducted training on Electronic Services and ...

    On 15-16 October, 2016 Media Development Foundation (MDF) conducted training "Electronic Services and New Media Possibilities for the Development ...See More

  • Posted on: 22 Oct 2015

    Blog: Alarming dimensions of blackmailing journali ...

    Mariam Lortkipanidze  Events unfolding around Rustavi 2 TV Company have so far been a subject of interest of advocates for free speech and freed...See More

  • Posted on: 06 Oct 2015

    ADAMI initiative announces competition ...

    The ADAMI initiative focuses on journalists and media professionals of six EU’s Eastern Partnership countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgi...See More

  • Posted on: 22 Oct 2014

    Award Ceremony of Diversity School Alumnus and Win ...

    The award ceremony of graduates of Diversity School and the winners of the media competition was held at cafe Ligamus, Ilia State University on Oct...See More

  • Posted on: 20 Oct 2014

    Role of media in coverage of European issues ...

    The seminar "Georgia-EU - the role of media in coverage of the European Union issues" was held on October 19, at Frontline Georgia Club within the...See More

  • Posted on: 14 Oct 2014

    Press-tour of Ukrainian Journalists to Georgia ...

    On October 8  Tamar Khorbaladze, Executive Director of Media Development Foundation, MDF made presentation on hate speech in Georgia for the Ukrai...See More

  • Posted on: 04 Oct 2014

    Research - Media Ethics in Armenia: Practice and C ...

    On October 4 Tamar Khorbaladze, Executive Director of Media Development Foundation, MDF presented a research "Media Ethics in Armenia: Practice an...See More

  • Posted on: 15 Oct 2012

    Media Developmet Foundation, MDF in “Media Monitor ...

    TV program "Media Monitor” has been produced within the frames of the joint project of Public Broadcasting Television, the United Nations Development ...See More