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Anti-Western Propaganda and Disinformation Amid 2024 Parliamentary Elections

During the pre-election period, the Media Development Foundation (MDF) conducted research on anti-Western narratives and disinformation in both traditional and social media.

The following report provides interim findings, covering the period from July 1 to October 1, 2024. The purpose of the study was to analyse the types and sources of anti-Western narratives disseminated by various actors in the lead-up to the elections, as well as the disinformation techniques used to influence public opinion.

The first section of the report presents quantitative and qualitative data on anti-Western narratives, while the second section examines social media, election-related disinformation, and manipulative content.


Authors: Tamar Kintsurashvili, Maiko Ratiani

Monitoring Data Analysis: Tinatin Gogoladze, Lana Rokva

Media Monitoring: Sopo Chkhaidze, Mariam Kavtaradze, Lika Matcharadze, Lia Kintsurashvili, Natia Alavidze, Salome Norakidze, Tamta Kekelidze

Fact-checkers: Tinatin Tvauri, Tekla Kharazishvili, Tsisia Kirvalidze, Ani Kistauri, Giorgi Minashvili

Design: Mariam Tsutskiridze

Cover Photo: Lightspring, Shutterstock

Link: Anti-Western Propaganda and Disinformation Amid 2024 Parliamentary Elections 
Tags: Elections