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Coverage of Muslim-related topics in Georgian, Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish traditional and new media

The report reflects the media monitoring findings conducted by the Media Development Foundation (MDF). The goal of the media monitoring was to study the factors conducive to radicalization of Muslim youth and explore the role of media in this process.

The target of media monitoring was the Georgian, Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish media named by the young Muslims as the information sources during the survey commissioned by MDF.

The report highlights the methodology, key findings of the study and provides overall data on coverage of Muslims and related topics in different language media outlets. The separate part reviews the characteristics of terrorism coverage in Georgian and Russian TV channels. After overview of general data, separate chapters are dedicated to four language media outlets and social media: I – Georgian media, II – Russian media, III – Azerbaijani media , IV – Turkish media, V – the social media.

Authors: Tamar Kintsurashvili, Sopho Gelava, Sopho Chkaidze
Monitors: Tamar Gagniashvili, Khatia Lomidze, Sopho Gogadze, Mari Gelashvili, Roma Baindurashvili, Saba Tavelishvili
Data analyst: Mariam Tsutsikiridze
Peer review: Beka Mindiashvili
Design: Besik Danelia
Link: Coverage of Muslim-related topics in Georgian, Russian, Azerbaijani and Turkish traditional and new media