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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

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Gender Disinformation and Inclusive Media Reporting

Donor: International Media Support (IMS)

Budget: 96,220 USD 

Duration: January-December 2023

Media Development Foundation (MDF) on the bases of financial contribution of the International Media Support (IMS) has launched a new project - Gender Disinformation and Inclusive Media Reporting - aimed at identifing gendered disinformation in Georgian media, building capacity of journalists to fact-check and expose disinformation through journalistic products, and raise awareness of public on the subject.

MDF will carry out media monitoring throughout 2023 according to the well-tested methodology it uses to study anti-gender and anti-liberal discourses and the main actors that mobilize public opinion around these issues in Georgia. Findings of the monitoring will form the basis for the reports that will describe state of affairs and highlight the emerging trends. 

Additionally, MDF will design and implement a training for journalists to increase their understanding of gendered disinformation and make reporting on gender issues more sensitive. 

Highlights of the project includes MDF’s partnership with media outlets on the production of high-qulity video sotries on the bases of Myth Detector’s fact-checking findings as part of the awareness raising campaign aimed to pinpoint specific disinformation narratives and debunk prevalent myths in relation to gender issues. The campain wil alsol include the production of video PSA’s to be distributed by National TV channels.