Donor: European Union
Co-funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Partners: DW Akademie (DWA); Media Development Foundation (MDF); Human Right Centre (HRC)
MDF Budget: € 166,540
Duration: March 1, 2023 - September 1, 2025
The project implemented by the DW Akademie in cooperation with the Media Development Foundation (MDF) and Human Right Centre (HRC) aims to strengthen democracy and support human rights in Georgia by increasing public awareness and understanding of media freedom, media and information literacy, and the harmful effects of disinformation.
ConMeCo’s research activity on ownership and financial transparency of the media sector directly builds on MDF’s experience with the project. Creating synergies between legal teams from HRC and experts from MDF, the platform will be updated and used to disseminate information and research.
In the framework of the project, MDF aims to strengthen the resilience of media consumers through engaging in comprehensive media literacy trainings and support innovative ideas via a series of hackathons.
MDF will organize 20 media literacy trainings across Georgia. Participants will be involved in different activities, aimed at developing practical skills on how to check and verify information, visual manipulation, track transparency of sources, and overall how to distinguish quality media content from manipulation.
MDF will engage young activists in different parts of Georgia in simulation role plays on media self-regulation. 20 simulation role plays will be organized by MDF, equipping young activists with the necessary skills to be able to file a complaint within a media self-regulatory body on various ethical issues and understand multiple perspectives of professional dilemmas. This activity empowers individuals to take an active role in shaping a responsible media environment.
Throughout the project MDF will also organize 2 hackathons, bringing together diverse professionals, including designers, IT experts, fact-checkers, and journalists, to generate new ideas and combat harmful content. At the end of each hackathon, the best projects will be awarded funding and further support for implementation.
Quality Media and Conscious Media Consumption for Resilient Society (ConMeCo) project is implemented by DW Akademie (DWA) in cooperation with Media Development Foundation (MDF) and Human Rights Centre (HRC) funded by the European Union and co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).