Donor: U.S. Embassy Democracy Commission small grants program
Budget: $ 18, 561
Timeline: 01.08.2009 – 31.01.2010
The goal of the project:supporting integration and self-realization of intentionally displaced youths. Ensuring their involvement in public life.
Activities:The competition of essays and drawings on the theme - Life after War was held for young IDPs from 10 to 18 years old within the frames of the project. As a result of active informational campaign 189 youths from 9 regions of Georgia took part in the competition of essays and 114 youths - in the competition of drawings.
Within the frames of the Tour of Democracy 20 winners of the competition visited the Parliament of Georgia and Supreme Court. Special extra activity - master classes in drawing and writing were organized for the winners as well. The works of the best authors had been published in an album Life after the War. The presentation was organized to promote works of the competition participants.