Donor: Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings
Budget: 57, 595 GEL
Timeline: 25.10.2014-25.04.2015
Media Development Foundation, MDF implements the project Women for Change with the support of the Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings.
Within the framework of the project aimed at enhancing the equal involvement of women in social and political processes, following activities are planned: establishing effective mechanisms of cooperation among entities involved in the election process (voters, political parties, civil leaders); supporting full inclusion of gender issues in the electoral platform of the political parties; and presenting and stimulating new leader women.
The research component of the project will help the political parties to make their election programs gender sensitive. The members of the women's cooperation network will be involved in the research process, results of which will be discussed with the participation of political parties, both on the local and national levels.
In order to present and stimulate new leader women the project envisages conducting the series of trainings, also proceeding bloggers' contest My leader Woman which aims at revealing new leader women and joining them to the Women's cooperation network.