Donor: East West Management Institute (EWMI)
Budget: $78,870.
Terms: July 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016.
The Media Development Foundation, through the ACCESS Civil Society Development Project implemented by the East-West Management Institute (IWMI), is implementing the project: "Debunking Myths and Informing the Public on Euro-Atlantic Integration".
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the Euro-Atlantic integration communication process through assessing and analyzing Georgian government's communication strategy, as well as providing qualified research on misleading information disseminated by media, and organizing public discussions around controversial issues identified through public survey.
The project will focus primarily on minority populated areas, along with other regions of Georgia. In order to raise their awareness on integration process, information will be provided in Armenian and Azeri languages through the webpage "Myth Detectors”- developed based on media monitoring activities will also be maintained and be available in Georgian, Armenian, Azeri, and English languages.
Public survey on Euro-Atlantic integration will be carried out within the project framework. Based on main findings of the research, public discussions and round tables will be organized in various regions of Georgia, including those decently populated with ethnic minorities.
Assessment of the government’s communication strategy envisions analysis of media coverage, desk research and interviews with government officials, as well as development of relevant recommendations for various stakeholders.