Donor: The Embassy of the United States of America to Georgia
Budget: $ 20, 770
Terms: August 1 , 2016 - May 30 , 2017.
The Media Development Foundation (MDF) by the support of the Embassy of the United States of America to Georgia implements the project which aims to promote the development of investigative journalism in regional media, through enhancing the skills to use modern electronic services, as well as conducting training, consultation and media competitions.
Within the framework of the project, four regional media outlets will be trained in two directions: the application of e-governance services to obtain information for investigative journalism and ensure higher transparency of the government; the use of new media possibilities to better represent prepared content and increase the number of consumers. For this purpose, the project plans to conduct one common and four field training sessions to editorial staffs and to mentor as well as provide consultations to targeted media outlets during the project. Furthermore, the project also plans to announce the competition to reveal best reports of investigative journalism in Georgian media in order to encourage the production of such materials.