Project: Prevention of and Responding to Radicalizing Narratives in Georgia
Donor: Hedayah
Budget: 77 448 EUR
Duration: December 2019 - April 2021
The aim of the project is to strengthen capacity of Georgian media, state and non-state actors to prevent radicalization and respond to violent extremism and terrorism efficiently. The project contemplates to facilitate networking between media and government representatives and to develop their skills to respond to violent extremism and terrorism incidents and prevent crisis in communication.
Within the framework of the project needs assessment will be developed and trainings will be conducted for media organizations and government units responsible for strategic communication to strengthen their capacity. It is also planned to organize moot role-plays and to announce a competition for journalists on inclusive reporting. In partnership with invited expert, MDF will develop simulation modules and curriculas, which will be incorporated in Academia courses.
Project is funded by EU.