▪ 171,200 $ ((September - December, 2020);▪ 240,000 $ (January - June, 2021);▪ 243,400 $ (July-December, 2021);▪ 630,400 $ (January-December, 2022);▪ 520,000 $ (January-December, 2023).
In September 2020, MDF's myth debunking and fact-checking web platform -Myth Detector - partnered up with Facebook to fight against misinformation in the framework of Facebook’s Third-Party Fact-Checking Program. Myth Detector reviews and rates the accuracy of content aiming to improve the quality and authenticity of stories in the News Feed. When rated false, Facebook shows the story lower in News Feed, significantly reducing its distribution and warning people who see the post or try to share the post that it has been marked as false. Facebook pays Myth Detector to perform this service for them but it has no say or influence over what Myth Detector fact-checks or what the conclusions are, nor does it want to. The program is implemented by Facebook in partnership with International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) verified fact-checking organizations.