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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

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Posted on: 22 Feb 2012

Coverage of Sexual Orientation/Gender Issues by Media N.2

Media Development Foundation, MDF publishes the results of media monitoring –Coverage of Sexual Orientation / Gender Issues by Mediacarried out by the expert – Eka Agdgomelashvili. The monitoring on press was implemented during the period of 01.11.11 to 10.12.11. This is the second report prepared on this theme within the frames of the project –Media Monitoring – for Professional Media. The project is supported byOpen Society – Georgia Foundation, OSGF. The re-monitoring showed interesting results and dinamics:

·In terms of coverage of the issue the number of articles containing negative content reduced at the extence of neutral and possitive assessments growth in comparison with the previous research period – May, 2011 (see pic. No.2).

·The interest of journalists increased (25%) towards homo/bi/transphobia and discriminative policy that was reflected on the most common assessments and the context of coverageof the issue.

·The terms like "Gay”, "non-traditional sexual orientation” and etc. are less used in informations that haven’t been negative even before.

·It should be stressed that in comparison with the prevoius period the share of articles covering current affairs in Georgia increased in neutral assessments (55%).

·Jouranlists and respodents are less aggressive when discussing representatives of definite groups of LGBT. Negative assessments are mainly showed while speaking about homo-orientation, representatives of the group in general and protectors of their rights, "propagandists”.

·Despite the fact that representatives of religious institutions/organizations constitute the smallest group (6%), it is just the group that makes up the majority in terms of frequency of using negative, insulting terminology (61%).

·In comaprison with the previous study period representatives of LGBT groups are more often in the role of respodents (9%).

The detailed report is attached.

Coverage of Sexual Orientation / Gender Issues by Media, report No.2 (available in Georgian)