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Posted on: 30 Jan 2012

TV Informational Policy Monitoring

Media Development Foundation, MDF continues publshing the results of the monitoring implemented during the fall period of 2011. We would like to remind you that monitoring is implemented with the support of "Open Society – Georgia Foundation, OSGF” within the frames of the project - " Media Monitoring – For Professional Media” that is being carried on by Media Development Foundation, MDF.

Today we offer you the report on TV media content by David Aprasidze. The monitoring had been carried out repeatedly to outline more general tendencies in comparison with the results identified on Apriil, 2011.It’s interesting, that the number of matches between the informational programs of Public Broadcasting Television, Rustavi 2 and Imedi and on the other hand between the news programs of TV companies Maestro and Kavkasia increased in fall, 2011 in comparison to April, 2011. As for the situation in the third group (Public Broadcasting Television, Kavkasia) - this figure decreased.

Namely, according to David Aprasidze’s reseearch: on the basis of the data of April, 2011 we have compared the main informational news of five TV channeles according to covered themes. The research shed light on the possibility that the probability of theme matchings between the three central channels (Public Broadcasting Television, Rustavi 2, Imedi) and on the other hand Kavkasia and Maestro.

The monitoring results revealed that the number of common themes among the themes covered by the leading informational services of three channels (Public Broadcastin television, Rustavi 2, Imedi) exceeded the cases of coincidence between Kavkasia and Public Broadcasting Television taken in pairs, and even in case of the pairs of Kavkasia and Maestro. In addition, despite the fact that coincidence cases exceeded 50 percents in several cases during the analyzing period, the avarage rate of coincidences didn’t exceed 33 percents in case of three national channels. The research also revealed that the informational news of Maestro and Kavkasia differed more from each other, and in some cases, coincidences didn’t exceed 26 percents.

Later, we consider it appropriate to re-implement the research using similar methodology based on the data of October, 2011. It’s interesting that in contrast with the period of April, 2011 when political or otherwise interesting events were not taking place that could affect the results, at October, 2011 the appearence of Bidzina Ivanishvili on political stage became a subject in the centre of developments. Also, The President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy visited Georgia. Thus, it’s intresting to see if these events somehow affected the themes covered by TV channels during this period.

Like the first analysis the goal of this research is not the explanation of traced coincidences and/or differences. Identification of the reasons requires implementation of more comprehensive survey.

The analysis of the three days selected by at random in October, 2011 shows that theme coincidences among all channels mostly concerned the themes like the appearence of Ivanishvili in politics, the earthquake in Turkey, Crisis in Libya, the appointment of a new Minister. The two channels (Maestro and Kavkasia) generally paid more attention to the activities, protest demonstrations and statements of the opposition and non-governmental sector, and the remained three channels to the governmental activities and crime.

The survey revealed that among the themes covered by leading informatinal services of three channels (Public Broadcasting Television, Rustavi 2, Imedi) are more similar themes then in case of Kavkasia and Public Broadcasting Television taken together, or even between Kavkasia and Maestro.

The detailed report can be found in attached file.

TV Informational Policy Monitoring (available in Georgian)