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Posted on: 25 Nov 2009

The winners of the competition “Life after war” are revealed

The competition "Life after war” announced for intentialy displaced youths by Media Development Foundation with the support of US Embassy has its winners.

 The 5 man jury selected 20 winners from 197 essays and drawings handed-in for the competition. The representatives of the jury were: Tina Mamulashvili – Sulakauri Publishing House, editor; Mamuka Pachuashvili – newspaper "24 Hours’, editor-publisher; Teona Dolenjashvili – writer; Megi Citlidze – Art Academy; Giga Zedania – Ilia Chavchavadze State University, sociologist.  

The authors of 10 best essays are: 

1. Lazare Zangaladze – XII class of Tserovani Public School №3. (before the war lived in village Kekhvi, Samachablo territory). 

2. Leri Margvelani – Xii class of Qvemo Bolnisi First Public School. (before the war lived in Kodori, Zemo Abkhazia). 

3. Sophia Kvariantashvili – V class of Qareli First Public School. (before the war lived in Znauri region, village Akhalsheni).

 4. Beqa Khalibegashvili – XII class of Tserovani Public School №3. (before the war lived in village Tsirqoli, Samachablo). 

5. Elina Kasaeva – V class of Gori Public School №5. (before the war lived in Tskhinvali). 

6. Mariam Beruashvili – VII class of Koda Public School. (before the war lived in the gorge of small Liakhvi, Eredvi, Samachablo). 

7. Shorena Jojishvili - IX class of Tserovani Public School №3. (before the war lived in the gorge of small Liakhvi, Village Vanati, Samachablo).

 8. Tamar Butkhuzi - IX class of Tserovani Public School №3. (before the war lived in village Akhmaji of Akhalgori region).

 9. Mariam Gochashvili – VIII class of Gori Public School №2. (before the war lived in village Kheiti, Samchablo).

 10. Nestan Gochashvili - XI class of Gori Public School №5. (before the war lived in village Khaiti, Samachablo).

  The authors of 10 best drawings are:

 1. Mariam Elizbarashvili – VII class of Gori Public School №2. (before the war lived in village Artsevi, Samachablo).

 2. Merab Naroushvili – IV class of Senaki school providing general education "Apodix”. (during the war was in Senakiand still living there after leaving Russian military troops, the family is intentionally displaced from Abkhazia).

 3. Gvantsa Mzareulishvili – VIII class of Tbilisi Public School №145. (before the war lived in village Kheiti, Samachablo).

 4. Irakli Tskhadaia – IX class of Khobi Ir. Shushania Secular School "Area”. (during the war his best friend’s father was killed in Khobi. Irakli still lives in Khobi).

 5. Nana Okujava – V class of Senaki school providing general education "Apodix”. (during the war hide with family members in the basements of her house in Senaki. Nana is still live in Senaki).

 6. George Palashvili – VI class of Tserovani Public School №3. (before the war lived in village Lamiskana, Shida Qartli region).

 7. Otar Baqradze – V class of Khashuri Public School №9. (before the war lived in Avnevi, Samachablo).

 8. Khatia Pavliashvili – VI class of Gori Public School №5. (during the war leaved from Gori. Today she still live in Gori).

 9. Dina Adamiani - V class of Gori Public School №5. (during the war Dina with her family members leaved Gori and today she still live there). 

10. Rati Chitishvili - VI class of Tserovani Public School №3. (before the war lived in Akhalgori).

 Media Development Foundation, MDF congratulates the winners of the competition.

 The competition and the project is implementing within the frames of U.S. Embassy Democracy Commission small grants program.