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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

If  a broadcaster breaches the Code of Conduct, apply to us through filling out a provided questionnaire and the Media Development Foundation, MDF will present your complaint in a broadcaster's self-regulation body.


Posted on: 15 Sep 2009

Informational meeting at schools

The representatives of Media Development Foundation arranged go out meetings at 6 regional public schools of Georgia – at Gori, Qareli, Khashuri, Tserovani, Koda and Bolnisi on the first day of school year on September 14, 2009. The goal of the meetings was to give information about announced competition – "Life after war” for intentionally displaced youths. The representatives of Media Development Foundation placed special boxes with informational banners at schools. Within the frames of the competition IDP youths from 10 years to 17 will have an opportunity to participate in the competition and present their essays and drawings on theme of the competition. The dead line for work presentations is October 14, 2009.