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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

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Posted on: 11 Jun 2015

Court orders Agriculture Ministry’s non-entrepreneurial non-commercial legal entity to disclose information on the transfer of 1 043 845 GEL to media

On 11 June, the Tbilisi City Court (Judge Shota Getsadze) held in favor of a complaint filed by Media Development Foundation (MDF) and ordered the Agricultural Projects Management Agency, non-entrepreneurial non-commercial legal entity of the Agriculture Ministry, to make the information public.

In its complaint, drawn up by students of Law Clinic of the Free University, the Media Development Foundation demanded the total disclosure of information on the amounts transferred to media outlets in 2013-2014; also, the rescindment of a legal act of the Ministry of Agriculture, used to refuse to provide full information to the complainant on the ground that the Agency was a non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity whilst the payments to media were not made from budget monies.

 During the hearing of the case on merits, representatives of the complainant, Ani Khojelani and Nino Sikharulidze, underscored the fact that the executive powerestablished the Agency to have it implement public powers and hence, the obligation to publicize information applies to it too. To further support its argument, the complainant also referred to advertising video clips produced by the Agency, the content of which (programs implemented on behalf of the state, such as Program to Support Spring Works, Agricard, et cetera) also proved that the Agency conducted the information campaign on behalf of the government within the public powers delegated to it.


In substantiating the demand of the complainant, Ani Khojelani also overviewed the practice of international law, various countries of Europe and America, concerning publicity standards.

Judge Shota Getsadze shared the argument of the complainant that the Agency, with its functions, is a bearer of powers of public law thereby obliging it to issue public information. The defendant, the Agricultural Projects Management Agency, was ordered to issue requested information in full.

Incomplete information provided by the Agricultural Projects Management Agency on 1 December 2014, showed that the Agency transferred the total of 1 043 845, 57 GEL to media outlets in 2013-2014. That information also indicated those media outlets and advertising agencies that received the mentioned amount; however, the Agency did not supply corresponding contracts, delivery-acceptance acts as well as the information which would show which media outlets were distributed that amount by the advertising agencies and for what purpose.


Media outlets


Info 9, news – IPN, Geohotnews, GHN, PirWeli, bpn,; newspapers: Rezonansi, Alia and Kviris Kronika, Kviris Palitra, Prime Time, Guria News (Chokhatauri’s Messenger), Financial – Intelligence Group, Orion Kalbegashvili (Spektri).


Media unions


Regional Media Association of Georgia, Regional Broadcasters Association of Georgia




Media Porti, MGI studio, UM Georgia, Studio 123, Cor Production


 Legal assistance to MDF was provided by the Law Clinic of the Free University and Georgian Democracy Initiative, GDI.