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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

If  a broadcaster breaches the Code of Conduct, apply to us through filling out a provided questionnaire and the Media Development Foundation, MDF will present your complaint in a broadcaster's self-regulation body.


Posted on: 15 Jul 2015

GNCC considers the appeal of MDF on broadcasting of Russian-language films by Obiektivi TV

Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) will consider the complaint filed by Media Development Foundation -MDF referring to the fact of violation of the Georgian legislation by Media Union "Obiektivi" while airing the Russian-language films and discuss the issue on imposition of administrative penalties.

Media Union "Obiektivi" aired Russian-Language films  - " Crimea - Way back Home" by Andrey Kondrashov on March 22, 2015 and  the film of Vladimir Soloviov "the President"  on May 3, without translation or providing subtitles in the state  language of Georgia,  breaching the  Georgian Law on Broadcasting.

Based on the complaint filed by MDF on May 19, the National Communication Commission (GNCC) has studied the violation of Georgian legislation as well as the issue whether Obiektiviheld license to broadcasting of above-mentioned films on the territory of Georgia. Broadcasting  Department of the GNCC  has conducted the inquiry. The department’s conclusion states that airing the above-mentioned Russian-language films by Media Union Obiektivi was unlawful act violating the obligations under the N3 resolution of Georgian National Communication Commission issued on October 30, 2009. Broadcaster neither could present the documentation ensuring the right of airing the films on the territory of Georgia.

According to the Article 51.1 of Georgian Law on Broadcasting "Films produced in non-state languages shall be broadcasted by Broadcaster’s air only voiced over on state language of Georgia".  According to the N3 resolution of Georgian National Communication Commission issued on October 30, 2009:  " Feature film, as well as documentaries, TV films, series or  soap opera  produced in a non-national language (Except of Georgian and Abkhazian) shall be aired by general and specialized broadcasting license holders, as well as Public Broadcaster only if dubbed into the national language of Georgia - Georgian Language, in the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia - in Georgian and Abkhazian Languages. "

The hearing of Georgian National Communication Commission will be held on July 16, where the address of MDF regarding the issue will be discussed.