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Researches and reports

Monitoring of the activities of ultra-nationalist groups on the Facebook ahead of Georgian March

The leader of movement Nationals (Erovnulebi) announced the Georgian March on the Aghmashenebeli Avenue on 14 July, to voice their protest against illegal foreigners. Under illegal foreigners, the organizers of the march meant representatives of concrete nationalities – Iranians, Arabs, Africans and others and called on them to leave the territory of Georgia. Organizers of the march also demanded the toughening of immigration law. They tried to mobilize public via social media.

The Media Development Foundation (MDF) monitored Facebook pages of nine ultra-national groups over the period from between 14 June and 11 July 2017. The monitoring focused on the activities of these pages, their reach of audience, most frequently used information sources, most popular posts, frequently and rarely used words as well as calls for the march and messages containing hate speech.

Link:Monitoring of the activities of ultra-nationalist groups on the Facebook ahead of Georgian March

Monitoring of the activities of ultra-nationalist groups on the Facebook ahead of Georgian March by Media Development Foundation on Scribd