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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

If  a broadcaster breaches the Code of Conduct, apply to us through filling out a provided questionnaire and the Media Development Foundation, MDF will present your complaint in a broadcaster's self-regulation body.


Posted on: 09 Jul 2015

MDF response to the press service of the Government Administration

On July 8, the Press Service of the Government Administration released a statement in response to the report prepared by Media Development Foundation on Public Funds for Media Promoting Hate Speech & Anti-Western Sentiments. The official statement reads as if MDF's report is not about service contracts, but subscription to the printed media, regardless of their information policy.

We believe that the government administration's comment contains data manipulation and misleads the population.

First of all, it should be noted that our study did not cover the issue on funds allocated for subscription of the printed media by the state agencies and, therefore, abovementioned argument cannot be used for explanation of the problem indicated in our study. The report is aimed at studying how state follows anti-discrimination policy, elaborated by European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) for Council of Europe member states and obliges governments to use non-discrimination policy as precondition for concluding contracts.  Therefore, the main focus of the study was not the amount of sum, but to reveal  the problem of advisability of funding those media outlets  which have undisguised discriminatory editorial policy.

To illustrate the fact that the study includes data on advertising contracts and not a newspaper subscription,  we attach several copies of contracts, which are available for any interested party on the electronic database of State Procurement Agency, as well as the copies of the contracts that MDF obtained from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and legal entities under its subordination at the stage of court dispute.

Finally, even if referring to the statement issued by the press service, the unconvincing picture is displayed: according to the annual  contractual sums attached below it turns out that average value of per paper subscribed by individual agencies is at least 25 up to 100 GEL , while the retail price of each various from 1 up to 2.50 GEL.  Also, the magazine "Tabula" is listed to subscribed media editions in the statement, while the magazine  has not been issued for a  year as the editorial claims.

Annex 1. Print media (part of contracts):

Ministry/Legal Entity


Subject of contract


Ministry of Internal Affairs Legal Entity Security Police

Alia Holding

Contract #11/ 05,  2013

Publishing advertising material delivered by the customer

36 000 GEL

The Roads Department of the Ministry of  Regional Development and Infrastructure

"Sakartvelos Respublica"

Contract  g.t. #5-13 (SPA120029080), 2013


The service for printing/publishing the information about the activity of  purchaser  (45 000 cm 2).


The Roads Department of Ministry of  Regional Development and Infrastructure

"Sakartvelos Respublica"

Contract2-14 (SPA130028780), 2014

The service for printing/publishing  the information/announcement of delivery  about the activity of  purchaser (45 000 cm 2).

13 950 GEL


The Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Sakartvelos Respublika

Contract #40  (SPA 140001459)2014

Service for publishing announcements

6893 GEL

Environmental Protection Agency  of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection 

Sakartvelos Respublika

Contract1-11 (CMR140019339) 2014; # 1-233 (CMR140146432) 2014; Mutual Agreement Act #1.

Service for publishing announcements

A total of 5488,48 GEL

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Legal Entity 112

Alia Holding

Contract #4, 2013

Publishing the banners, press releases and announcements delivered by the customer on the web page

4 200 GEL

Social Service Agency of the Ministry of  Labour, Health and Social Affairs

Asaval Dasavali

Contract #158 (CMR 130107078), 2013.

Publishing brochures of the social service agency in Asaval Dasavali newspaper, July 8, edition

1200 GEL

Annex 2. TV media:

Ministry/Legal Entity


Subject of contract


Ministry of internal Affairs


Contract #268, 2014

Airing Social video clips at a channel "Obiektivi"

9, 178.04 GEL

Ministry of internal Affairs


 Contract #1270, 2013

Airing advertising material at the channel "Obiektivi"

5, 000 GEL

Ministry of internal Affairs, legal entity Service Agency


Contract #494, 2013

Airing advertising-informational material at a channel "Obiektivi"

10, 501.71USD

Ministry of Defense


Contract #347, 2014

Purchase of TV air time for advertising

5, 461.71 USD

Ministry of Education


 Contract #08-109/2, 2013

Airing advertising material at the channel "Obiektivi"

4, 800 GEL

National Wine Agency


Contract #254 (CMR 130310221) , 2013

Airing advertising material

5, 000 GEL