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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

If  a broadcaster breaches the Code of Conduct, apply to us through filling out a provided questionnaire and the Media Development Foundation, MDF will present your complaint in a broadcaster's self-regulation body.


Posted on: 22 Mar 2017

Travel grants for participation in “Lviv Media Forum 2017”

The Media Development Foundation with the support of ​​German Marshal Fund providing travel grants for participation in "Lviv Media Forum 2017” – the Central Media Event of Eastern Europe 

The Media Development Foundation and NGO Lviv Media Forum (Ukraine)​,​in the frame of the common project "Media as platform for civic change”, supported by ​the Black Sea Trust for regional cooperation of German Marshall Fund is providing travel grants for journalists from Georgia, Turkey, Moldova and Belarus, aiming at bringing positive democratic change in their countries to participate in Lviv Media Forum on May, 25-27​th2017. 

Lviv Media Forum is the biggest media event of Eastern Europe. Annually near 800 journalists and experts from all over the world join Lviv Media Forum to discuss latest trends and problems of media sphere. This year among outstanding speakers of the Forum-2017 are Michael Weiss (Daily Beast Senior Editor), Tony Barber (Financial Times editor), Marci Shore (Yale University), Paul Radu (Romanian investigative journalist), Susanne Scholl (Austrian journalist) and many others 

More information on the forum can be found at:​http://lvivmediaforum​.com/en/

The candidates are expected to meet the following requirements: 

- Be the citizen of the above mentioned countries; 

- Age 25-35 years old;

 - Have at least 3 years’ experience working in media; 

- Have excellent command of English language; 

- Previous accomplishments in covering democratic transition related topics in their countries; 

The project will cover transport, accommodation and participation expenses for 4 selected candidates in each of 4 countries, which will be selected on competition basis according to their previous experience and motivation.

 In order to apply, by April, 18​th2017 please: 

1. follow the link ​to answer basic questions on the questioner: 

2. send your relevant CV and 1page motivation letter to 

The successful candidates will receive confirmation on April, 24​th2017.