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Success stories

My Leader Woman

Winners of the contest "My leader Woman" - 10 bloggers and 10 leader women were revealed on June 19, 2014.
Jury members: 
Ketevan Mskhiladze - Media Development Foundation,
Giorgi Kekelidze - Director of National Library,
Maia Kurtsikidze - UNICEF,
Tiko Tsomaia - Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management Elene Khoshtaria - Georgia's Reforms Associates.
Elene Khoshtaria - Georgia's Reforms Associates.

1. Author: Khatia Ghoghoberidze, Tbilisi

Khatia is a reporter of news agency Frontnews. After graduating from Batumi state University she continued studying at Master program of the Ilia state University. Previously worked in news portal, online edition Netgazeti and newspaper Batumelebi. She increased her professional skills through the various courses, including courses offered by Media School and GIPA Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management. She is interested in modern photography.

"I wish to have a kind of local government, were people are not obliged to move to the central city. All the major decisions are traditionally made in Tbilisi, but Georgia contains different parts, and the leaders should be coming from all parts of the country. I want to have the leaders locally, who will contribute to the process of state-building. You have to be a leader for your people; the progress should be driven locally and not through the center, and not with participation of celebrities. The leadership should be part of the character; the leader should be capable of making unpopular steps sometimes. Fame is not always required to create a progress. Sometime, our country will need wisdom and prudence, but it should not take too long.”

2. Author: Maia Mosiashvili, Rustavi

Maia is a journalist. Currently she works at the non-governmental organization Mercy Corps. She has a multilateral working experience in media as well as in NGO sector. She is the winner of the media competitions organized by Transparency International Georgia for the best article in Investigative journalism and Civitas Georgica for the best article on the topic of self governance issues. She is the member of the Board of Trustees of Rustavi #22 Public School and member of the "Civil Board to Oversee Police activates" under the Office of Georgian Public Defender. 

Olga Endeladze, Marneuli (Available in Georgian) 

"Every single person hopes that his/her life will improve in future, but if you think that there is no way out and you are unable to change anything, then you fall into depression. This is where the degradation of a person starts. Nevertheless, you always have time to stop, think it over and make your choice - choice for the better life.” 

3. Author: Natia Karanadze, Tbilisi

Natia serves as a journalist at TV program Kviriake of Georgian Patriarchate TV Channel Ertsulovneba. She was born in Samtredia town. She studied at Tbilisi Banking - Juridical Lyceum, in 2011 continued studying at Kutaisi St. David Builder Theological Institute.

"I was born in Tkibuli city; I studied in Akaki Tsereteli State University of Kutaisi, faculty of philology. I have graduated it with excellence (red diploma) I am unable to teach at schools, because the environment is not adapted for the disabled. I moved to Tbilisi in 2001 and attended the research courses in private schoolBinuli.

I am disabled, but I am a very active type of person. I think there are no limits to the abilities. We just have to define the problem and then strive towards the goal.”

4.Author:Tamuna Janjulia, Gali

Tamuna is from Gali district (occupied territory of Georgia). She studies at Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University (TSU), faculty of Journalism. She was enrolled at the University through the 4+1 program for students from Abkhazia. She is interested in Photography.

"Abkhazian school #1 –that’s how it is named, since the most of the students are the children from Abkhazia and mainly from Gali. One of Nato's colleagues Sopo tells us that "even Nato is 50 years old, but she is the most wise and a brave woman. She is the only one who travels every day from the occupied territories, with the goal to deliver education to children. She has never missed a day. It is very rare to have such school principles. I am happy that we are colleagues. She is not just a teacher to children; she is a role model for all of us."

5. Author: Nino Narimanishvili, Akhaltsikhe

We frequently get information from Samtskhe-Javakheti region through the newspaper "Samkhretis Karibche". In 2013, the Religious Council under the Office of Georgian Public Defenderawarded the newspaper with the Reward of Supporter of Tolerance for covering Minareti developments professionally. Nino Narimanishvili is an Editor-in-Chief of the edition. At various times she has worked in media as well as in NGO sector.

"When I was a child, I wanted to become a doctor. I can say that I am practically a doctor, I help everyone who is in need, no matter what is their need, I think it is my mission and I have to fulfill it.”

6. Author:Ana Kopaliani, Tbilisi

Ana is a PhD student of Literature at Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University (TSU). Besides the scientific and pedagogicalactivities, she translates literary works. she is the winner of several literary contests for the best translations. Ana is a member of the editorial board of online-library "". She loves intellectual games, theater, cinema and jazz.

"Earlier, it was a shame for a women study, but now, since I started to study, everyone is encouraged to do the same in my village…I will learn English. I will continue to study, I am going to become a dentist, I will work in my village , I will have my own income and nobody will oppress me.”

7. Author:Tamar Kuratishvili, Tbilisi

Tamar studies journalism at Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University (TSU). She is a fourth grade student. She passed an internship at the journal "Anima". Loves history and classical literature, she is interested in photography and Georgian Emigrant journalism. 

"We have united with the goal to request some funds for rehabilitation of Tsnori stadium; for building children play-ground in the Tsnori park; for planting the greenery and for installing outdoor lighting in Kvenakli park and the stadium. We requested it to be allocated from Village Support Government Program fund for Tsnori that amounts to 88 919 GEL. The youth arrived from Tbilisi especially for this occasion. Today, I am extremely proud to be from Tsnori!... With my actions, I want to demonstrate to my fellow citizens that we create the right environment for our lives…if don’t feel comfortable in the existing environment, we are able to make the change.”

8. Author:Isolda Nozadze, Tbilisi

Isolda studies at Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University (TSU), at the faculty of journalism. She was intern at the Radio Freedom Media Schooland undertook professional practice at the Tbilisi Bureau of Adjara TV channel and TV company Imedi.

"The proverb -"Live and learn” is exactly about this person. As she says - she learns to teach…She has never thought of abandoning the village. She is a biologist and chemist by profession, but, there was no need for teachers in those subjects by that time. In 2000, there was an opening for German teacher in the village school. She had no other option, rather than to start learning German. Once she was able to read German books, she asked the school principle to give her a chance. She has been teaching German for 10 years ever since."

9. Author: Raphic Abajian, Akhalkalaki


Raphik Abajian is an Engineer-Technologist by profession. He is a chairperson of the board of the non-governmental organization EKOLIFE and the member of Civic Education for the Justice State. He undertook various trainings in advocacy and communication organized by European Center for Minority Issues.

"If there is something to say – say it, if something has to be organized – go ahead and organize it; something has to be requested? – request it. You have to give others the chance to utilize their possibilities. It is up to them how they take advantage of it. I am a human; I am not some kind of a symbol, statue or a poster. I can make the decision and be responsible for it.”

10. Author: Nina Marikiani, Ninotsminda

Nina is from Ninotsminda district. She completed Eshti Public School with Silver Medal and was enrolled at the Ilia State University through 1+4 program. Nina is a member of the Tbilisi Youth center of Civic Activism.

"She entered Tbilisi State Medical University within the "4+1 program”. She delivers biology lessons in the village school, where she studied. Apart from teaching, she is actively involved in social voluntary work: together with her pupils, she cleaned eight spring waters, where the villagers used to throw their garbage. After she graduates, she plans to return to her village and to use the knowledge obtained for the development and health of the village population."