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Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law of Georgia on Broadcasting and the Code of Conduct of Broadcasters adopted by the Georgian National Communication Commission (GNCC) in 2009, broadcasters are obliged to establish an efficient complains mechanism for considering customers’ complaints.

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Success stories

Life after War

Winners of the competition "Life after war” announced for internally displaced youths were revealed on 25 November, 2009.

 Jury members: 

Tina Mamulashvili – Sulakauri Publishing House, editor

Mamuka Pachuashvili – newspaper "24 Hours’, editor-publisher

Teona Dolenjashvili – writer

Megi Citlidze – Art Academy

Giga Zedania – Ilia Chavchavadze State University, sociologist. 


  • Tamar Butkhuzi

    Tamari is 14 years old. She lived in Akhmaji village of Akhalgori district before August 2008. Today she lives in Tserovani IDP settlment and attends Tserovani #3 Public School.

  • Dina Adamiani

    Diana is 10 years old. She lives in Gori. Diana is studying at Gori #3 Public School.

  • Lazare Zangaladze

    17-year-old Lazare is from Kekhvi. He lives in Tserovani IDP settlment and attends #3 Public School.

  • Giorgi Palashvili


    Giorgi is 12 years old. He lived in Lamiskana before August 2008. Now Giorgi lives in Tserovani IDP settlment and attends Tserovani #3 Public School.

  • Sofia Kvariantashvili

    Sofia is 10 years old. In August 2008, she left Akhalsheni village of Znauri region along with her family. Now she lives in Kareli. Sofia is fifth grade pupil of Kareli #1 Public School.

  • Merab Naroushvili

    Merabi is 10 years old. He is from Senaki district. He studies at "Apodix” School.

  • Leri Margvelani

    16-year-old Leri is from Kodori. Now he lives in Bolnis and studies at Bolnisi #1 Public School.

  • Rati Chitishvili

    Rati is 11 years old. He is from Akhalgori. Today he lives in Tserovani IDP settlment and attends Tserovani #3 Public School.

  • Mariam Gochashvili

    Mariam is 13-years-old. She lives in Karaleti and studies at Gori #2 Public School.

  • Irakli Tskhadaia

    Irakli is 14 years old. He lives in Khobi and studies at Khobi School "Area”.

  • Beka Khalibegashvili

    Beka is 17 years old. He has been growing up in the village Tsirkoli until August 2008. Now Beka lives in Tsilkani and attends Tserovani #3 Public School.

  • Khatia Pavliashvili

    Khatia is 11 years old. She lives in Gori and studies at Gori #5 Public School.

  • Shorena Jojishvili

    Shorena is 14 years old. Before August 2008 she lived in Vanati village of Didi Liakhvi Gorge. Now she lives in Tserovani and studies at Tserovani #3 Public School.

  • Gvantsa Mzareulishvili

    Gvantsa is 14 years old. Before August 2008 she lived in Kheiti village of Didi Liakhvi Gorge, she was resident of Tskinvali as well. Now she lives in Tbilisi and studies at #165 Public School.

  • Mariam Beruashvili

    Mariam is 12 years old. She is from Patara Liakhvi Gorge. Now lives in Koda village of Tetritskaro district and studies at Koda Public School.

  • Oto Bakradze

    Oto is 10 years old. He is from Avnevi village. Today lives in Kareli and attends #9 public school of Kareli.

  • Elina Kasoeva

    Elina is 10 years old. Before August 2008 she was resident of Tskinvali. Today she lives in Gori and studies at Gori #6 Public School.

  • Nana Okujava

    Nana is 10 year old. She lives in Senaki. She is studying at "Apodix” School.

  • Nestan Gochashvili

    16 years-old Nestani is from Samachablo, Kheiti village. Today she lives in Gori and studies at Gori #5 Public School.

  • Mariam Eliszmarashvili

    Mariami is 12 year old. Before August 2008 she lived in Artsevi village. Now she lives in Gori, attends Gori #2 Public School.